After a long hiatus from this weblog, and a shorter one from the hobby, I'm back kitbashing again. I'm still turning out Spitfires for the Spitfire SIG display, but the new impetus is a club display which covers 'BRITISH ARMED FORCES IN GERMANY, 1945-1995'. In my case, of course, that means RAF Germany, and some lovely '50's and '60's jets. So far, I've done a Canberra B(I).8, a Venom FB.4, a Meteor NF.11 and a Sabre F.4, and I've a couple of Spitfires - a Mk.XIV and a Mk.24 - ...
Biplanes are not my main field of interest, but this little gem has whetted my appetite. We may see some more World War One subjects over the next twelve months!
I've been making models from plastic kits for nearly fifty years. I run a successful local model club, I've served on the National Committee of the hobby's largest Society (IPMS), and I take my models for display at shows up and down the UK. But . . . . . Just lately, I've been struck by an attack of modelling lethargy. Over the last twelve months, I've completed ony three models, instead of the twelve or so that I've averaged over the last few years. Why? I don't know, although I sus...